Sunday, December 14, 2014

Note: Cynthia sent me these ina Word file as she was having trouble posting to the blog from London... So I copied her pictures and text and pasted them back in here for all to enjoy....

Jerry Nevins

Greetings from London!  (A post by Cynthia Pomerleau, Digital Photography 1)
Hello form London!  I have been in the city for a few days now and (as some of you know) I am quarantined to my hotel room with what appears to be the flu…  That said, I am equipped with my super pixel camera with its mega zoom and have been able to do some ‘voyeuristic’ sightseeing from up high in the hotel.  I can’t wait till I can tour the city on foot, but for now I am trying to capture the sites and feel of London from here…

My first planned stop is going to be to the ‘London Eye’ a giant Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames.  It was built in 1999, but looks much older in black and white.
London is a city of great rooftops.  This view from my room shows off some great old chimneys and gables.  I just love the patterns!

 From my room, London looks to be a congested city with few trees, yet there are parks scattered about the city and many of the people living here bring nature in when they can.  This outdoor oasis is actually 6 stories up!
There is new construction everywhere in London.  I thought I would find an old city straight out of the movie ‘A Christmas Carol’ when I traveled here.  It is actually a mix of old and new buildings.  I really did not like these Lego-like buildings when I first saw them, but they are growing on me…

This park is one of many scattered in the city showing off the colors of fall…

This tangled mass of buildings is on my list of places to visit!

I believe this is Westminster clock.  I feathered out the background behind it so it would stand out in the photo.

Finally, I found this chicken coop!  It looks like something from the English countryside, but it is actually high up on a rooftop!

1 comment:

  1. The "trip to London" was tongue in cheek everyone and quite in keeping with this assignment this week... I know, let's finish class and we'll all go for New Years!
